The use of EKOVAR, the innovative and unique re-phasing device, allows:

  1. decreasing the reactive energy to values close to zero, upstream the device;
  2. increasing the «displacement power factor» to value close to 1, upstream the device;
  3. decreasing the apparent energy, upstream the device, compared to the apparent Energy downstream the device, with an efficiency value -30% ….

Such performance has been confirmed:

  • in more than hundred tests in private laboratory and on fields in several houses
  • in a test conducted in official laboratory with Bureau Veritas certification
  • in some tests on fields conducted by 3 of the main European Utilities/Distribution Companies
  • in a test with the world’s leading intelligent energy solutions provider


EKOVAR+ is the cheapest technology for the decarbonization of households

EKOVAR+   in 100% of EU27 households -> reduction of 90/100 Mt CO2 -> -11%  GHG emissions in households (vs 2020)